Upcoming SHE Tour®/IMPACT Events
SHE Tour® and IMPACT are life-changing three-day experiences for both men and women that walk you through the journey of being SAVED, HEALED and EMPOWERED. It's a place to be built up, strengthened, and set free. You will hear from amazing speakers, experience live anointed worship, build connections and experience God in a powerful, tangible way that will bring long-lasting change. We believe in seeing lives radically transformed
by the power and presence of God, and through the powerful truth of God's Word.
Our mission is to see lives Saved, Healed and Empowered
by the radical life-changing power and presence of Jesus Christ.
We believe that most people are living way below their full God-given potential. We believe that with the
revelation of Biblical principles, combined with the amazing power of God, every person
can be set free from their limitations, and live the full life God has already planned for them.
SHE Tour believes in leaving a lasting impact in women and men of all walks of life, including those that are in desperate situations. We do this by partnering with local outreaches through something called SHE Rescues. A portion of all registrations will go to a local organization that is making a tangible impact in helping hurting people recover from addictions, sex-trafficking, abuse, and other life-altering issues. We not only give them finances, but we sponsor the women and men in their homes and shelters to attend our SHE Tour Events. We have had the pleasure of partnering with organizations such as Selah Freedom, Prodigal Daughters, Youth for Christ, and Hands Across The Bay,
with life-changing results in so many lives.
SHE Tour is also strategically training up thousands of Pastors and Leaders globally to bring the
same powerful message to the men and women of their communities.
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SHE Tour - a corporate division of SHE Shines INC™ Copyright 2024 - website designed by: IMP